The 2025 India Edition of Break the ceiling touch the sky® – the success and leadership summit for women will be held live on Sept 30,  2025 in Mumbai and bring together the most inspirational executives from India’s most successful orrganizations. This is the eight annual India edition of the summit  and will be the 40th international edition of Break the ceiling touch the sky® to be held around the world. Leaders will benefit from the shared  best practices for leadership, gender balance and success.  With a rapidly growing market and a thriving entrepreneurial environment, India has a tremendous opportunity for growth via the best leaders in business today.


The summit offers  leaders (especially female leaders)  an excellent opportunity to learn and share best practices and sustainable strategies for success; connect and learn from senior  executives and role models, upskill based on the professional experiences of leaders across industries and help build new business and networks of support.  Every participating organization that  signs up as a Particpating Company via a Table booking at the  summit can also opt to have its gender balance at leadership levels benchmarked against House of Rose Professional’s Proprietary 2025 Break the ceiling touch the sky® 101 Best Global Companies for women in leadership (BTC 101 Global Index). The BTC 101 Global Index is the world’s only index based entirely on  proprietary insights and a statistical model developed by HORP and is only available to members of the global Break the ceiling touch the sky® family.


This one day summit includes  House of Rose Professional’s speed mentoring of participants by senior leaders.  The 2025 India Edition is a key pillar of MISSION 2029 FOR A BETTER WORLD – House of Rose Professional’s 10 year Mission (launched in 2020) to shape a better world via better diversity & inclusion, leadership and business. This  eight  annual India Edition of Break the ceiling touch the sky®  is a critical part of the overall global series of  Break the ceiling touch the sky® summits for the Americas, Europe, Asia, Middle East & Africa, ANZ etc.


To lead as a sponsor for the 2025 India Edition of Break the ceiling touch the sky® or other editions of the summit around the world  please email [email protected].

Krish Iyer

 Krish Iyer 

President & CEO

Walmart India


 Richa Arora

President, Packaged Goods

Tata Consumer Goods


Chester Twigg

Group Commercia Officer


Nishi Vasudeva

 Nishi Vasudeva



Sam Balsara

 Sam Balsara 


Madison World


 Christina Ruggiero

President, Global Nutrition Category

The Coca-Cola Company



Gender diverse companies are financially more successful, better employers, greater innovators, and better corporate citizens. By accelerating gender diversity at the world’s largest  companies through MISSION 2029 FOR A BETTER WORLD we can change the trajectory of global business for the better and influence a more sustainable, better world. Break the ceiling touch the sky® will equip professionals with the leadership best practices  to win in a rapidly evolving global economy and  serve as inspiration for further progress on Mission 2029.”

Bob McDonald, 8th Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs and Retired Chairman, President and CEO of The Procter & Gamble Company and member of the Mission 2029 Global Advisory Council


“Congratulations on an amazing summit. Such a wealth of information and wonderful people across industries. I thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of the summit, and the entire Emerson team gained a lot from the speakers and the attendees. Its an honor for me and Emerson to be part of this great Mission you are driving and we look forward to continued partnership with House of Rose Professional.”  
W. Haddad, VP & General manager, UAE, Oman, Yemen and Lebanon, Emerson Automation Solutions 


We are delighted that House of Rose Professional has once again chosen Dubai as the host city for the 2024 Middle East & Africa Edition of  Break the ceiling touch the sky®.AmCham Dubai deeply believes in the power of gender diversity & inclusion.  AmCham Dubai is pleased to partner once again with Break the Ceiling Touch the Sky® and support gender diversity which is a key business priority for the Middle East region and for our corporate members.”

Cara Nazari, Chief Executive Officer, AmCham Dubai 


“Thank you so very much for supporting mothers and children in India through the book sales (of Break the ceiling touch the sky). I’m so pleased that your organization continues to make such tremendous progress on issues that are vital to the core of Save the Children’s own work in gender diversity, and that you raise awareness about women’s leadership to new heights. You have done so much to drive this movement forward! It was an honour for Save the Children to once again be the recipient of the proceeds of your book. I join my colleagues in sending my grateful appreciation for your continued support for Save the Children’s work – in India and around the world. Thank you for your commitment and dedication.”

Carolyn Miles,  CEO, Save the Children


“It is always a pleasure to attend this amazing event, this was my fourth year. Something I really look forward to. It was a day of great learning, reflection and planning for me. My team were also very appreciative to be part of this forum. Best wishes to you to continue on this great initiative and accomplish the 2029 goals, hopefully ahead of time.”

A. Singh, Director, Cigna


“The Coca-Cola Company is proud to be accelerating accelerating gender equality at all levels of our organization and within the communities we serve. As a founding and world sponsor of Break the Ceiling Touch the Sky ® and partner for MISSION 2029 FOR A BETTER WORLD, we are delighted to spotlight how women are reshaping, reinventing, and transforming industries. 

Christina Ruggiero, President, Global Nutrition Category, The Coca-Cola Company


“Congratulations for another successful event Anthony Rose! I love how you bring the right leaders and organizations with the same goals into one room to have important conversations and to drive ACTIONS when it comes to gender equality! Well done! Glad that UPSers were able to be a part of it.” 

Christina Struller da Costa, Vice President – Corporate Affairs, ISMEA, UPS


“I have seen Break the ceiling touch the sky® conference go from strength to strength every year, bringing together great participation from CEOs, C-suite Executives, D&I practitioners and founders/heads of businesses. The BTCTTS summit is really mobilizing a movement for building more gender balanced workplaces. It has something for everyone – CEOs to learn from one another on how to drive change and progress towards gender diversity. Women who are looking for advice on how to take their careers forward and men who want to be champions for change.”

A. Chaudhury, Group Head, ESG, AIA


“Nine years ago, I joined my first Break the Ceiling Touch the Sky event, a summit that became a movement that Anthony Rose started, and is dedicated to the advancement of women in business, and a platform that brings together so many leaders, companies and industries for a common cause.  Fast forward 34 events and almost a decade later, it’s so impressive and inspiring to see what Anthony has achieved in bringing people together from around the world to address diversity and inclusion strategies that are critical to business sustainability.

Joining many of our (Eurofins) clients this week was a great way to reinforce that importance of building a better world together through DEI and reimagined business practices.

We are grateful for the opportunity to be part of such an impactful event!”

Natalia Shuman, Group Executive Vice President, Europe & Asia, Eurofins


“Break the ceiling touch the sky” annual conferences bring some of the best business leaders from all over the world together. They share their experiences, insights and views on advancing gender equality, positive workplace culture and true inclusion in work teams. The content is always of a consistent high quality and the networking is of a high order. So, if you care anout gender equality, inclusions and getting more women in company senior positions and on Boards, join the conference. You will benefit and so will your collaegues and businesses. Thats why I attend the conference and why Singapore International Chamber of Commerce is a supporting  Industry partner year after year. ”

Victor Mills, Chief Executive, Singapore International Chamber of Commerce. 


“What an inspirational day attending the Break the ceiling toucgh the sky leadership summit for women. Its  exciting to see so many leaders and Companies supporting this initiative. Thank you Anthony Rose for hosting and organizing!

Nicole Silva,  Accessories Product Manager at General Motors


I have seen the Break the ceiling touch the sky® conference go from strength to strength every year year: bringing together great participation from CEO's, C-Suite executives, Diversity & Inclusion Practitioners and founders/heads of business. The BTCTTS summit is really mobilizing a movement for building more gender balanced workplaces. It has something for everyone - CEOs to learn from one another on how to drive change and progress towards gemder diversity. Women who are looking for advice on how to take their careers forward and men who want to be champions for change.”

Amita Chaudhuri
Group Head, ESG, AIA
Titles of individuals are at the point of providing testimonial and may have changed since.

“I thoroughly enjoyed the conference, very inspiring. The best speaker on the day was Monique, her presentation was so moving. She captivated us (via zoom) and has inspired all of the attendees to never give up and reach our goals no matter what they are. I am very glad that Aramex offered me the opportunity to attend, thank you.”

E. Newman
General Manager, Aramex
Titles of individuals are at the point of providing testimonial and may have changed since.

“Amazing Day with a lot of insights and perspectives on gender diversity, women leadership and inclusion. To hear all these inspiring stories has been very useful to adjust our mindset better.

Ramya B
Program Manager, HP
Titles of individuals are at the point of providing testimonial and may have changed since.

“The program was so well organised in terms of informed and inspiring speakers; the range of topics; the way the day was broken up; and the technology. Great job and it’s a program with which we at Enactus are proud to be involved. All the very best.”

Judy Howard
ENACTUS Australia
Titles of individuals are at the point of providing testimonial and may have changed since.

Dear Anthony, Thank you for a wonderful conference. “The Break the ceiling touch the sky Women in leadership conference was amazing. Power packed leaders offering super insights.”

Michelle Samuels
Michelle Samuels, Global Communications Lead, Strategy and Finance, Bayer
Titles of individuals are at the point of providing testimonial and may have changed since.

“I enjoyed presenting our current research on "Net Better off" at the annual conference for #breaktheceilingtouchthesky where the panel looked at how organisations and women in particular prepare themselves post covid to be even more resilient than ever. Thank you Anthony Rose for your unwavering support for pushing the gender diversity issue across the globe and in Singapore.”

Dali Sanghera
Managing Director - ASIA ME AFRICA, Accenture
Titles of individuals are at the point of providing testimonial and may have changed since.

Dear Anthony,
“Fantastic to be part of this program. Important. Insightful. Inspirational.

Dean Z. Myers
Author, The Baordroom Buddha
Titles of individuals are at the point of providing testimonial and may have changed since.

I am so honored to have the opportunity to share my thoughts at Break the Ceiling Touch the Sky World Edition 2020––joining Julie Hamilton, Joy Jinghui Xu, Rama Sridhar, Miles Wilson and Anthony Rose for an outstanding panel. It was a great opportunity to hear about the amazing journeys of women all around us. These events are so inspiring, and help us all think about our purpose––and how together we can transform the corporate world to be much more diverse and inclusive.”

Natalia Shuman
EVP and CEO, North America, Bureau Veritas>
Titles of individuals are at the point of providing testimonial and may have changed since.
Titles of individuals are at the point of providing testimonial and may have changed since.