Dean Myers

Dean Myers


Former VP Global Supply Chain, Operations and Development, The Coca-Cola Company.

Dean Z. Myers is a world-class executive who recently retired after a 34-year career with The Coca-Cola Company. In his last role of Global VP, Dean was accountable for the business and relationship between Coke and McDonalds in over 100 countries. This global success in customer leadership, supply chain and business development required best in class leadership skills to navigate the complex relationship between two global iconic brands. Coke and McDonald’s, it doesn’t get more complex or consequential.

Now, Dean is sharing deep insight and unique perspectives from his global experience as a sought-after keynote speaker and executive coach / advisor. Dean has spoken to groups all over the world on the challenge of collaboration in a world that can be volatile, uncertain, complex, and full of ambiguity. Recently published, Dean’s new best-selling book, “The Boardroom Buddha”, captures the powerful 5 Universal Principles that enable you to be more influential in this crazy VUCA world. Consider this a secret code for the HOW we all need, providing a unique set of tools that will become your own, leading to great success, prosperity, and happiness – no matter the obstacles that come your way.

Dean is an alumnus from The University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, with a BBA in marketing and an MBA. He serves on multiple boards at the University as well as a board member of Atlanta Children’s Shelter, serving at risk families in the Atlanta community where he currently lives.

To learn more or to contact Dean Z Myers, please visit his website: