The 2022 Middle East Edition of Break the ceiling touch the sky® – the success and leadership summit for women, was held live in Dubai, UAE on Sept 1, 2022 at The Anantara Downtown Dubai Hotel, Dubai and brought together a unique mix of the most successful companies – focused on enabling their leaders (especially women leaders) with the future skills, best practices and tools to succeed in the Middle East. Leaders and Participating Companies from across Industries came together to learn cutting-edge best practices for gender diversity and inclusion, leadership and success from the most successful Companies in the world. Leadership strategies for growth, success secrets of the most inspirational women leaders, creating and unleashing male champions for gender equality for success were all part of the day’s agenda. This one day summit included the famed House of Rose Professional speed mentoring of participants by senior leaders. The 2022 Middle East Edition of Break the ceiling touch the sky® supports the UAE’s committment and aspiration on leading on gender equality and is a key pillar of MISSION 2029 FOR A BETTER WORLD – House of Rose Professional’s 10 year Mission (launched in 2020) to shape a better world via better diversity & inclusion, leadership and business. This is the fifth annual Middle East Edition of Break the ceiling touch the sky® and is a critical part of the overall global series of Break the ceiling touch the sky® summits in the Middle East, Asia, North America, Africa, Europe and ANZ. (Picture collage to be posted soon).
The baton now passes to Singapore which will host the 2022 World Edition of Break the ceiling touch the sky on October 25, 2022. Particpating Companies may book their teams in at the button below to enjoy the climax day of the 2022 Break the ceiling touch the sky calendar as we prepare leaders for 2023 and beyond!