The 2021 Break the ceiling touch the sky® 101 Best Companies for women in leadership Index (BTC 101 GLOBAL INDEX) is the second year study for House of Rose Professional’s Mission 2029 for a Better World – which aims to shape a better world via better diversity & inclusion, better leadership and better business. The Measure for MISSION 2029 for a Better World is to quintuple the number of Female CEOs and double the number of male (advocates for diversity) CEOs in the World’s 500 largest Companies by 2029 given the reality that more women in leadership = better financial results, better employer brand and more compliant and innovative businesses. The world’s largest 500 Companies generate $33.3 trillion in revenues and employ 69.9 million people and are represented by 32 countries that control one-third of the world’s GDP. HORP believes that by transforming gender diversity at the top of these 500 companies first we can change the trajectory of global business for the better and influence a more sustainable, better world. It is to be noted that the smallest Company on the 500 largest Companies considered for this study has annual revenue of over 25 Billion USD.
The 2021 Break the ceiling touch the sky® 101 Best Global Companies for women in leadership Index is based on research conducted by House of Rose Professional Pte across the world’s 500 largest Companies covering over 10000 C- suite executives. Research window was Dec 2020 (as we standardise the protocols and timing to be used year on year moving forward). The Index primarily looks at the gender balance across Boards and Management teams at each Company. Criteria include: % of female executives on board, % of female executives on Management team, total female executive % board + management team, avg % of female executives on Board and management team of company. A further parameter was used to remove outlier bias with a compulsory “over 20%” female executive presence on Board and Management team of each Company being a primary filter for consideration for the Best 101. This threshold was lowered to 15% (on exception) in the case of Companies with a Female CEO. Any company under consideration should additionally have at least 3 members on its executive management team to be considered for the 101 Best Companies set.
This is a fact-based computation of gender diversity at the top. A spot on the Index cannot be bought, influenced or negotiated.
The BTC Best 101 Global Index and many other great Companies will share their best practices for diversity & inclusion, leadership and success at the 2021 World Tour of Break the ceiling touch the sky® – the success and leadership summit for women through the 2021 year starting with the 2021 North America Edition of Break the ceiling touch the sky on March 2, 2021.